Running is a simple and effective form of cardiovascular exercise that offers a variety of benefits, from strengthening joints to improving your mood.

But even defenders will admit that running is difficult. A moderate level of fitness is needed to run for more than a few minutes. It can be rough in the body, especially for those with conditions in the feet, ankles or knees. Execution can also be a mental burden, especially if it runs frequently in the same places.

Fortunately, running is just one of the many methods available to those looking for excellent cardiovascular exercise. While jogging is popular and widespread, there are many ways to make your heart pump and your blood flow without hitting your joints and limbs.

We have divided this list of cardiovascular activities that do not run into two sections. The movements on the first list require only your body weight and a single piece of equipment. The movements in the second list require some specialized machines.

Let's do it!

Cardio does not machine
You do not need to access a gym with state-of-the-art machines to get a good workout. Like running, you can do these exercises with the weight of your body or with other equipment, such as a rope or a kettlebell.

1. jump rope

Skipping the rope is easy and low impact. You can do it anywhere with enough space to balance the rope. It is also highly efficient: research indicates that a 10-minute daily program for jumping rope is as effective as a 30-minute jogging regime.


Keep your elbows close and your core tight to maintain balance while jumping.
Once you are comfortable, add variations such as jumping from side to side or alternating your feet on each hit.
2. Boxing or kickboxing.

It is not necessary that you get into the ring or leave your house to do a good boxing training. By incorporating different types of kicks, punches and random movements, you can train your central and upper and lower body muscles while making your heart pump.


Use a combination of punches, crosses and kicks to create your own sequence of exercises, or follow an online video program.
For an additional challenge, try holding light weights or using ankle weights to add strength.
3. Calisthenics

Calisthenics are body weight movements with little equipment that help you strengthen and improve your cardiovascular condition. You can do a quick routine of calisthenics anywhere, from the office to the living room. You can also easily scale the amount of work you do to adapt to an assigned window for exercise.


For a wider variety of movements, look for an outdoor park or gym that has calisthenics equipment, such as parallel bars and rings.
If you are planning a complete workout, include movements focused on the upper and lower body to achieve well-rounded muscle enhancements.